Thursday, May 5, 2011

The big vow

(Us with a borrowed baby - people keep trying to infect us with the baby-bug)

Letter to my family and friends,

As you all know our wedding is getting closer by the minute (September 10th!) and there are a million things I need to take care of for the big day. I KNOW how insane it can be to put up with a girl in my position, so....
I vow to not raise my voice at you - no matter how frustrated I get with the planning process.
I vow not to take any of my issues out on you.
I vow to remind myself constantly that a wedding is a happy occasion and no stress is worth it.
I vow not to get caught up in the little petty details; I realize the flowers won't be perfect, the reception won't go as i'd imagined and that's ok.
Lastly, I promise not to wear a "cupcake-fluffy-huge"-looking dress.


PS. Can you tell I've been watching Bridezillas?

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